My excuses:
- been really busy with teaching
- been really busy with daughter, in support mode for her school work, reading over assignments and she likes to debrief and tell me what she learned in history
- tonight is her Year 12 formal, so been busy with that as well. It's mental how out of control these girls get. It's a bit like a wedding. I shall be glad when it's over.
- have been really busy with the rewriting as well
- have been social, a lot of writery stuff on which is nice but I don't really like being so busy. I like to nest at home.
- this means I'm behind with Orange Is The New Black and Alex is waiting for me to catch up and discuss. Sorry Alex. We watched one last night, I hope to finish sooooon
- finished watching Game of Thrones, loved the season but haven't had time to discuss with Alex properly. SORRY!
- still struggling with being sick and it's getting really fucking boring going to the doctor and having tests all the time but I'm feeling better in some ways (the cough) and I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy on Monday and the doctor said he could see a hernia and evidence of reflux. The reflux is no surprise - I've had that for years and was on the Nexium and then off and self-managing the last 12 months of so, GOD THIS IS BORING YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS anyway I still have back pain but the other day I noticed something on my back YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO, IT'S SO FREAKING DULL but I might get the GP to have a look at that. I'm booked for dermatologist for skin cancer check later in the year but maybe something's going on there. [SNORE]
- but my finger is ok (ie the meat-TB-whatever that was!)
- I have to go. I've baked an upside-down pear cake to take to the formal parent 'pre-drinks' and we are staying on for dinner which will be nice. But I'm really tired.