Wednesday, July 05, 2006

For subby

Don't Lie

this one goes out to sublime as a cheer-up. keep up the good work, you're almost there.


sublime-ation said...

oh my god MG I have never been so excited over two guys synching to a black woman singing before. I have never SEEN two guys synching to a black woman singing before. And so wonderfully.
a million thank yous: it's just what I need at the moment!
a nice break from the crying and screaming of 'We are never going to finish this book!' that's been going on round here anyway.
You are the bestest blogger buddy a girl could want.

Melba said...

you are in my thoughts, my dear.

glad you liked.


BEVIS said...

I had a great laugh at this.

(I hope I was allowed to, seeing as it was only there for Sublime-ation??)

Melba said...

no everybody is welcome to look at it. please do. it was just dedicated to sublimation.