Wednesday, March 23, 2011

All good if a little quiet

I've been busy and things have been distracting me, not the least Kurt and Blaine from Glee.

What a wonderful scene when they kissed on Monday night's show.

I'm having blogger trouble with uploading videos; haven't the time or inclination to update my technology to allow this and my IT guy is never around. Or if he is, he's watching tv or doing his own tech blah de blah thangs.

Otherwise things are ok. Yep busy. But yep good.

What news have you? I'm feeling out of touch.


magical_m said...

Wasn't it just brilliant? I squealed with joy. Yes. Squealed. My flatmate and I were having a discussion about how wonderful Glee is, not just for that kiss, but also for the storyline showing Santana's struggle with her sexuality.

So, um, not much else to report. Working. Lots. That's about it. Which days are you free again for coffee?


Anonymous said...

i've been lapping up the re-run of 'rake' on abc2....i can't believe how much i love that show!

phoenixmummy said...

Your so lucky to be able to enjoy full episodes of Glee. The government here in Malaysia censors all homosexual content on the TV. It's disgusting - the censoring that is, not Glee or Kurt - I love Kurt.

No news to report. Just going along, waiting, waiting, waiting.

Hugs. Jo

Unknown said...

Glad to hear all is good with you. All is good with me. I've been: working, having a birthday, working, working. Sleeping in on weekends, working. But all is utter contentment in my world at the moment. Makes a nice change.

I heart Glee, but I give up trying to watch it because Dad takes over the TV when it's on. (I just sounded soooo like a fourteen year old, didn't I?!)

Melba said...

Happy BD EMS for whenever it was. So you are back home? Did I miss your return? Tassie right? How long were you away for?

Dear m_m - my days off are Weds and Fris, let's organise something so we can talk about Gleeeeeeeee.

Dull Boy - my sis and her hubby loved Rake, we never watched it. How was Inverloch, fair Inverloch?

Jo, bllllody governments can be annoying. Do you need me to send some illicit contraband over to you? Would they confiscate a disc at the post office??? Do you have youtube there?


Anonymous said...

inverloch was busy but great....believe it or not we even had 3 days in a row of good weather!!!

I'm not Craig said...

Dull Boy and I were clearly not in Inverloch at the same time. But nice to hear that one of us got some good weather.

In happy new, the caravan park rocks and they have an awesome cafe in town.

phoenixmummy said...

Melba, Just popped by to say I miss you. And yes we've got youtube, so we do get to see some 'illicit' stuff. Just not on tv. Currently resolving the Glee situation via download. But don't tell anyone!