Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Faith in Australia, gangnam style

When you are in small despair about something like this on a Sunday in Melbourne (yet heartened because it was just a small gathering of dickheads):

You can comfort yourself that in the exact same spot, just the day before, there was this:


Anonymous said...

You know what? Cheers for putting this up. After the last couple of weeks of watching the news, my faith in humanity needed a little boost.

Melba said...

Don't watch the news, it's that simple. I've given it up, along with listening to the radio (ABC). It just makes you too mad or too depressed.

Melba said...

Newspapers are fine to keep in touch - I filter out via headlines and just read the stuff I want to. Less static.

Anonymous said...

That approach definitely has benefits. I had been skipping a lot political stories, but then I kind of got the guilts about the value of an educated vote and so forth. So I started reading them again and lo, things are more petty and -- yuck -- than they've ever been.

And then there was the Jill Meagher thing. It made me think about that conversation we had a some weeks ago where you mentioned the kinds of men who make women afraid to walk the streets alone. Since then, it's just been gnawing away at the back of my brain that no matter how far we come, it's always going to be like that. Ah fuck; I'm making myself depressed again. Perhaps another run of the video is in order.

Anonymous said...

And now this story about Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan. Fuckers.

Melba said...

Absolute fuckers BUT with these things reported and the news spreading so far and wide, it might lead to better outcomes, for women walking home and night and for girls who want to go to school.

Or is that naive of me?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to believe that too. I know the progress that's been made over the last century or so has been phenomenal. I know there's more to be done. I don't want to give up. But sometimes I see the savagery and just think "How the fuck do you fight that? How do you put something together so it can't be taken apart by a few fellas with a moment's opportunity?"

From what I understand, Swat wasn't such a bad place until ten or fifteen years ago. Things have apparently taken a drastic turn for the worse.

I used to be able to just get angry about this stuff, but now the rage feels impotent and hollow and I'm up and down and all over the place.

Ianqxsd said...

And now this story about Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan. Fuckers.