1. Princess is probably half-way through her exams. English = finished. Biology (a huge content subject, the biggest stack of cue cards, etc etc) = FINISHED. She has Maths, French and History to go. History will be the next biggest load but she's pretty much learned it all. She felt happy with all the exams so far and has really worked hard to get on top of the Bio content. She's got a good brain but is a very visual learner so I was making flash cards for certain things, and we used mnemonics, and it all helped.
2. My teaching is winding down, and that is really good. All the primary programs are done, so no more full days. Just some skerricks here and there.
3. I got my frocks out of the cupboard and tried them on. I love a frock and in summer it's what I pretty much wear. Frocks and thongs or Dr Scholl cloggy things OR sometimes heels, if going out. But really I am a cave woman and my feet don't like shoes. We would like to be barefoot all the time (well, maybe Uggs in winter.)
4. Getting excited about our trip in Jan/Feb. We've booked flights and accommodation in Budapest, just need to get onto everything else. But it's low season so shouldn't be a problem leaving some stuff until later.
5. This is the best snippet. Something is happening with the book. I can't say what yet, have to be very careful on social media, but it's good and it's exciting. More soon.
First things first
5. YAY! Well done, you!
re 4. Have you been before? The thing I loved most in Budapest (I was there in about 2001) was (Statue Park. amazing!
and re 1. GO Princess! Such a big year and a massive milestone.
Thanks Elaine, so nice you still read. No haven't been to B before, so that's exciting. Also haven't been to the other cities apart from London, so that's really exciting as well. Will put Statue Park on the list.
Thanks too re P and exams. Not long to go now. Yes a big year and big milestone but our approach is: it doesn't define you as a person. You'll look back and realise that in the larger world-view that she'll develop later, it won't mean that much. The value is probably more in what she learns about herself, how she works and responds to stress, how she organises herself, doesn't organise herself, plans tasks and how she strategises when approaching something that seems huge and Very Important. Fuck I sound like a real wanker but I believe it.
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