when i was little this was the kind of hair i liked:

this was the kind of good hair that girls wanted. nothing's changed much, has it?
in this hair-angst regard, i seem to have much in common with african-american girls. i'm reading a book called queen bees and wannabes - helping your daughter survive cliques, gossip, boyfriends and other realities of adolescence.
i tell you, it's fascinating.
even though princess is only 10, as i've said before, she's 10 going on 16, and so i reckon the earlier i arm myself with some insider strategies and knowledge, the better.
the author of this book is an educator working in the united states, and says that amongst teenage white girls, it's all about weight; skinny is better. with the black girls, it's hair. who has good hair and who has bad hair. good hair is like "white hair" - hair that is soft and swings and is straight, and not "nappy" (whatever that means.)
a while back i asked all of you to recommend some hair artisans. i said i had a final solution i was considering. well, since talking to phillip at the hair place in malvern central, i've decided against a perm. before you scream, it wasn't going to be a frizz perm; no no no. my hair doesn't need a perm to do that. i was thinking some sort of reverse, taming perm, to get some definition. you see, i don't want to straighten - i want to embrace the volume. but the dryness, the frizz. it's killing me.
anyway, phil said not to perm. so i have to get tong things which will straighten when i want, or i can do different things with them, he can kindly show me, to get different looks.
this is so wannabe.
so you all kindly suggested cutters. and i've chosen one and have an appointment tomorrow, with someone who apparently is good with crazy, thick hair.
i promised then to report back, and this is a semi progress report. and then i guess tomorrow i'll let you know how it went. and i tell you where i chose.
boys, i don't expect you to understand. but that's ok. the girls are getting me.
and just to make the boys feel included, what is the male equivalent of hair anguish for you guys? and don't say penis size, we know all about that one.
I hear you on the curly thing MG (although mine is thin and frizzy!)
Although I love the curl when it behaves, I'm actually pretty keen to get it permanently straightened soon. I figure it'd be cool to see what it's like to have striaght hair for a while. And hey it's hair, no matter what you do to it it'll grow back eventually!!!
Love to stay updated on your progress though!!!
I soooo hear you, MG. I have really thick hair, that is kind of wavy in odd places. Hairdressers have told me it's the thickest they've seen, so we obviously haven't been to the same ones.
I have been a hairdresser slut all my life. I go from one to the next without even a backward glance. None of them have satisfied me, so I'm really keen to hear your opinion.
I have the thick hair and I have the straighteners. Come over and we can have a girly hair makeover session! Saturday week? The first thing to know is not all straighteners are the same. Spend at least $250 and you'll have the Marcia hair whenever you want. Also la Nads put me onto Paul Mitchell Seal & Shine which seems to do the trick, sealing and shining wise.
With the cut, you kind of want to steer clear of fussy layering if you're going to straighten regularly. Layers ruin the sleek silky wall-of-hair thing.
(I meant that endearingly. If at all possible.)
Not using emoticons when I visit here makes it hard to communicate tone sometimes ...
But wherever possible, I don't use 'em when addressing you ... just like you try not to swear (or at least censor yourself) when addressing me. It's noted and appreciated, so I endeavour to be as thoughtful for and to you.
Fluffy! Where can said Paul Mitchell Seal & Shine be found? Priceline? Or somewhere swanky?
Queen bees was the inspiration for Mean Girls.
re: Paul Mitchell - I think I got mine at Hairhouse Warehouse (which I am assured is pronounced Hairhowsh Warehowsh).
Thanks, Fluffy. I'll go immediately.
i love paul mitchell products. i was well onto him in the 90s man, with his foaming pommade?
does that make your pants foam a bit girls? and boys?
heading off now to appointment. wish me luck. and thanks bevis for being endearing, thanks cuntman for hair-sharing, and thanks fluff for offer of girly session with tongs. can't on that day but let's make another time????? pleeeeeeese????
I hate "Hairhouse Warehouse"*.
Why didn't they just call themselves Hair Warehouse? OR JUST ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE?
* NB hate only their name as I am a sucker for hair products.
Debs the picture is Marcia Brady, not Avril Lavigne. Do they not teach history in school anymore? Moan, grizzle etc.
fluff, it is just an indication of my demographic: fellow hair-angsters, but with a touch of the youngs.
well, the hair is done. but the test will be once the straight blow dry is washed out and my follicles are returned to their natural state. i was concerned; she cut the ends wet then did the layering dry. she said "i know you don't blow dry, but it's just the way i have to cut it"
later i said "i don't blow dry, how's it going to look once i've washed it?"
"fine" she said.
so we shall see, and then i shall reveal the name; GOOD OR BAD.
i'm thinking of doing a personal, one-woman hairdresser tour of melbourne. slowly work through the list everyone put together and then report back. i'm happy to put my hair on the line because everyone recommended good people and also, my hair is probably bomb-proof.
anyway, it's looking fine for the weekend.
have a good one.
I find this fascinating (what a girl).
Do let us know how it goes!
I always wanted African type hair. It's probably the grass is greener thing, when I was little I hated my curly locks, then when it went straight I wanted curly.
Also I am dying to read this book.
*still snoring*
Hi MG! I deleted my blog in a moment of madness and it's been taken over by aliens from the planet porn. I've got a new address now, if you'd like to update.
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