Monday, April 07, 2014

The Sleepers Almanac is launched today

So if anyone's interested in my poem, which is in the latest Sleepers Almanac No. 9, it's the one about cricket, but not really about cricket. You know how poetry is.

The Sleepers online store is here:  No HERE.

Launch is tonight, I'm taking my sis and old work friend. Then we'll have dinner somewhere in Carlton. Except it's Monday and restaurants are often shut on Mondays.

The other thing is tonight the Episode 1 of new season of Game of Thrones and I have to be back not too late to watch that. I've spent the day in bed reading the first book and last night we refreshed with the last 4 episodes of the last season, including the Red Wedding again.

It's all a bit exciting.


Alex said...

Bugger. Looks like I'm going to miss another one of your works.

And I might have to marathon Game Of Thrones again this season. Internet is still rubbish. And mobile data is expensive. And I don't particularly want to watch it on a laptop.

Congrats on the latest publication. Hope you had a good night.

Melba said...

Friends of ours are waiting until they have all the eps from this season of GoT before they watch. I don't know how they can, we will be jumping on and inhaling each as they come through the ether. Imagine a little glass pipe and the show is some sort of gas, and the three of us here on the couch, sucking.

I'll email you the little poem Alex. And the previous one as well, thanks for your support. Launch was good, some young man came up and wanted me to sign my page. I did. It was kind of surreal. Introduced myself to the two pubs, chatted with an ex teacher, it was all Very Good.

Melba said...

Hey Alex your email isn't working, bounced back, this is the 'send Alex' gmail one. I'll hunt around for another or maybe you could email me if you still have mine? I've had a look through my inbox and can't find that last email you sent me...

Alex said...

The old email is gone, as was noted in this post from January (and expanded upon in this one). The new email is at the bottom of the right-hand column under the heading “Send Hatemail To”.

It's the name of the blog

Cheers for that, Melbs.

Unknown said...

kami sekeluarga tak lupa mengucapkan puji syukur kepada ALLAH S,W,T
dan terima kasih banyak kepada AKI atas nomor togel.nya yang AKI
berikan 4 angka 1803 alhamdulillah ternyata itu benar2 tembus AKI.
dan alhamdulillah sekarang saya bisa melunasi semua utan2 saya yang
ada sama tetangga.dan juga BANK BRI dan bukan hanya itu AKI. insya
allah saya akan coba untuk membuka usaha sendiri demi mencukupi
kebutuhan keluarga saya sehari-hari itu semua berkat bantuan AKI..
sekali lagi makasih banyak ya AKI… bagi saudara yang suka main togel
yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI SOLEH,,di no (((082-313-336-747)))
insya allah anda bisa seperti saya…menang togel 275
juta, wassalam.

dijamin 100% jebol saya sudah buktikan...sendiri....

Apakah anda termasuk dalam kategori di bawah ini !!!!

1"Dikejar-kejar hutang

2"Selaluh kalah dalam bermain togel

3"Barang berharga anda udah habis terjual Buat judi togel

4"Anda udah kemana-mana tapi tidak menghasilkan solusi yg tepat

5"Udah banyak Dukun togel yang kamu tempati minta angka jitunya
tapi tidak ada satupun yang berhasil..

Solusi yang tepat jangan anda putus asah....AKI SOLEH akan membantu
anda semua dengan Angka ritwal/GHOIB:
butuh angka togel 2D 3D 4D SGP / HKG / MALAYSIA / TOTO MAGNUM / dijamin
100% jebol
Apabila ada waktu
silahkan Hub: AKI SOLEH DI NO: (((082-313-336-747)))

atau klik langsung di KLIK DSINI BOCORAN TOGEL

angka GHOIB: singapur 2D/3D/4D/

angka GHOIB: hongkong 2D/3D/4D/

angka GHOIB; malaysia

angka GHOIB; toto magnum 4D/5D/6D/

angka GHOIB; laos