Thursday, October 06, 2011

I can't believe it

Nut Man is still in.


In other news, we went to Bali, we came back. It was fucking awesome though my bowels are happier back here in Melbourne-Town.

I also came back with a henna tattoo of a strange-looking cat on my shoulder and with GO CATS written underneath. It's fading now, quite early. Mr Black on Double Six Beach assured me it would last two weeks. But being a non-tattoo person, and a person who poo-poos that tatt on occasion (not for me, declasse, too "common" as well as too common) I'm okay with it fading. It served its purpose which was mainly to annoy Clokes during the lead-up to the game.


Have caught up on X-Factory and roped in Princess (she was away for 8-weeks with school last term. 'How amazing,' I hear you say. 'You didn't whinge much at all.' No, I didn't, did I? My pick for X-Factor winner is Reece or Christina. I would never expect Nut Man to win. I hope NM doesn't win. Sure, he's got a voice but he is not an international superstar in the making. No offence to Nut Man or anyone who knows him.


I'm disappointed with Hug Man. He aint delivering in the old hug department. I think now he is emceeing, that's where all his energy is going. Or else his contract changed.


I told a colleague at work today that I will not be there next year. Stupid? Maybe. Do I care? No. My decision was made before Bali and the "meeting" that we had on Tuesday which went from 11am until 4pm (with a lunch break) was SO FUCKING WASTEFUL OF MY TIME AND EVERYONE ELSE'S THAT I WILL NOT NOT NOT DO ANOTHER MEETING LIKE THAT. I will lie my way out of it, shamelessly. Better things on the old horiz.


The Slap starts tonight. I am expecting to like it better than the book. Is it two-faced of me to say I will probably enjoy the tv show? Do I care? No.


One of my good friends has made it back from living overseas with her kids which I am really happy about. She's got a new blog but I was unable to comment there for some reason. So Jo, don't think I'm ignoring you, will head back there when I get a chance. So happy you're back, will call you soon.


I think that's all for now. Have to go cook. Something with chicken and a wok and some veg and rice. So that'll probably be stir-fry.


phoenixmummy said...

Hi MG,
Welcome back from Bali. Blog comments thing on my blog is fixed. Blogger bug but I've fixed it... did that myself :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, was missing hearing about hugs and cupped nuts.

As someone who has at every opportunity bagged the book, is this two-faced of me to say I will probably enjoy the tv show?

Nope. But it's probably a bit silly saying something like that before you've actually seen it. The show might be shit too.

my bowels are happier back here in Melbourne-Town.

It used to bother me the way that "old" people "always" complained about their bowels. Now I just think that if you're young enough to not complain about your bowels, you should enjoy it while it lasts.

Melba said...

Thanks Jo.

Alex, it's not silly only because I happily enjoy shit tv, but I won't be so generous with books. So, methinks probably hypocritical?

Ah, the bowels. Young people can complain about them as well, ie two thirds of our children did. Just enjoy regardless I think.

Melba said...

Thanks Jo.

Alex, it's not silly only because I happily enjoy shit tv, but I won't be so generous with books. So, methinks probably hypocritical?

Ah, the bowels. Young people can complain about them as well, ie two thirds of our children did. Just enjoy regardless I think.