The bits and pieces, pain and joy that we call Life. And books. Lots of books. And movies. And this chair. That's all I need. Oh, I need this desk lamp.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
white shoes
they speak for themselves.
remember, there are no rules.
next lot to follow tomorrow night. blogger is being a shit and it's taking too long on dial-up to post these pics.
This shoes are very nice Melba Girl. maybe you can to remove an other clothes and make the picture. Don't to worry, I'm not will make a wank. I'm make a biology project in my university and my profesor was say me for colect the many pictures of girls nakeds for learn about the female format. Is a nice idea, no?
bevis. i didn't think your entries were crap. i just thought mr c wouldn't go for them.
i'm just being a stirrer, and am doing it all with a smile on my face, no baddies meant. it's just that i don't do the smiley thing, it's a matter of principle with me. sorry, so consider here be a colon next to a right curved bracket.
right here >
there is my smile. to show i am really not upset by this. it's all good fun to me.
and here's some chocolate >
and gianluca, when you go all quiet i worry about you. i'm glad you liked the shoes. i thought some of them looked very milano. you would wear the shoes like that, i think?
thanks for inviting for me to share my female format with you. i don't think it would be a good idea though. your professor might get a bit excited, even if you are strictly a scholar and only interested in the contribution to academic knowledge. for you see, i have an uncanny resemblence to gina lollobrigida but yes, it's a nice idea.
I want you to know that I think you're ace.
I feel a bit jibbed by the disclusion of my entries, too - but you already thought mine were crap anyway, apparently. :)
Either way, he included your shoes in the finalists, so I agree that he should have been prepared for any of those pics to win.
If he didn't want any of them to win, he should have listed them as 'honorable mentions' or something, a category from which we couldn't place vote.
Still, "shoulda-coulda-woulda". Let's all hold hands and sing songs around the campfire as friends again.
I want some chocolate.
This shoes are very nice Melba Girl. maybe you can to remove an other clothes and make the picture. Don't to worry, I'm not will make a wank. I'm make a biology project in my university and my profesor was say me for colect the many pictures of girls nakeds for learn about the female format. Is a nice idea, no?
Upstaged by an Italian.
bevis. i didn't think your entries were crap. i just thought mr c wouldn't go for them.
i'm just being a stirrer, and am doing it all with a smile on my face, no baddies meant. it's just that i don't do the smiley thing, it's a matter of principle with me. sorry, so consider here be a colon next to a right curved bracket.
right here >
there is my smile. to show i am really not upset by this. it's all good fun to me.
and here's some chocolate >
and gianluca, when you go all quiet i worry about you. i'm glad you liked the shoes. i thought some of them looked very milano. you would wear the shoes like that, i think?
thanks for inviting for me to share my female format with you. i don't think it would be a good idea though. your professor might get a bit excited, even if you are strictly a scholar and only interested in the contribution to academic knowledge. for you see, i have an uncanny resemblence to gina lollobrigida but yes, it's a nice idea.
(And: "Ooooh! Chocolate!")
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