this conversation just happened. me, postgrad student, bright, smart with a good vocabulary [let's call me MG]
daughter, grade three student, bright, smart and with it seems a better vocabulary [let's call her PSP for Princess SmartyPants] [note, i am not feeling annoyed, this is just a convenient name]
scene: we are reading my family and other animals together. i am reading to her, in her wee white bed, trying to get my feet onto her hot waterbottle.
we come across the word translucent.
PSP: what's translucent?
MG: um, well it's... like... transparent, you know, you can see through it, like glass... um... [thinking of another example]... um, i think it's when there is a shine, or something is glowing...
PSP: oh, no, it's not the same as transparent, it's like when you can sort of see through something but not exactly... i learnt it in science
MG: oh, ok. [keeps reading]
ten minutes later, the light is turned out and MG goes directly to her macquarie dictionary that virtually has its own chair at her dining table.
transparent: having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen [opposed to opaque and usually distinguished from translucent]
translucent: transmitting light diffusely or imperfectly, as frosted glass.
for fuck's sake
You sure she isn't sleeping with a pocket oxford under her pillow?
Have her take the Mensa tests now....
I was invited to take the MENSA tests, but then I met the MENSA people.
Just be happy she cares.
And,provide her with any materials she wants.
thanks guys. yeah i met a mensa once and he really wasn't coping that well with the real world. very "intelligent" man making very stupid life choices.
i will just have to prepare to be shown up from now on...
nice to see you bert
Two great appropriate quotes by Homer Jay Simpson:
"You know, I always felt you were the best thing my name ever got attached to. Ever since the time you learned to pin your own diapers, you've been smarter than me."
"I think the saddest day of my life was when I realised I could beat my Dad at most things, and Bart experienced that at the age of four."
Jus remember though, it's hard for children to be intelligent if their parents aren't smart too.
Oh, and as for the MENSA people, a quote by Lisa Simpson sums it up:
"I've found that as intelligence increases, happiness often decreases. Look, I even made a graph! I make a lot of graphs."
thanks aleks. it's kind of scary that you can pull quotes just like that. or did you research?
locket, i do remember you. but i have only very recently "met" you. the others, i've known for oh, ages [2 months?]
it's funny.
thank you for your words, they made me smile.
next list, you are on it baby.
This is understandable, the Flynn effect attributes a 3 IQ point increase per decade, obviously with Australian diet, education, etc, the average would be greater. So statistically theres a 12 point advantage for her right there.
Also, studies have shown being a parent drops your IQ levels quite substantially, give her a further 10 or so there. Plus using technological communication, e-mail, IM, and I'm assuming blogging counts, has shown a 10 point decrease.
Ignoring the age-weighting, if, in normal circumstances, your genetic brains were both of an average intelligence, all things considered, you would be classed now as mentally-retarded. Conversely, if you are now of average intelligence, she is considered gifted. With the same(ish) brain.
Sorry, I was actually intending this to be helpful, but I don't think it is.
hmmmmmm... sometimes i do feel so.
it is a parent thing. foggy brain and plenty of static can be SO affecting.
interesting about the tech stuff dropping IQ points. wonder why that is? is it electronical interference i wonder...
thank you for your comments.
No I didn't do research, I'm just a Simpsons nut. It is the only television show I watch. Example, at the end of you latest post you should have used a quote by Homer:
" Now we play the waiting game. Ah the waiting game sucks. Let's play hungry hungry hippos."
Aleks, you scare me, only because I know those lines as well.
Dawnguard gives you more story missions and more things to do in Skyrim. can accept or turn down any offer you get. Nationalizing banks and insurance companies is a socialist ideal (BoA/AIG). reserving the oil.Fluff the quinoa with a fork.
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